RJ Index

The Racial Justice Index (RJI) provides the premiere resource to help organizations achieve success in their diversity strategies by measuring progress toward a universal set of diversity indicators. The RJI sets the standard for organizations in DEI and uniquely enables organizations to gauge their own advancement in ensuring social-racial equity year-to-year. In addition, the RJI is calibrated to level the field between small, mid-sized companies and larger companies, that often have more resources to devote to executing DEI strategies. The Racial Justice Index measures 25 indicators of social and racial equity within organizations. These indicators are based on five dimensions of organizational, economic, leadership, employment and social/community impact: Social/Community, Economic, Employment, and Leadership.

Research indicates that financial performance is improved when organizations diversify talent from the breakroom to the boardroom. The RJI organizations are considered the best of the best because they maintain financial success while advancing the cause of DEI and also doing the right things by their employees, their communities and the customers/constituents they serve.

Please fill out the form below to be evaluated to be included in our Racial Justice Index.
